Acoustic enclosures

Acoustic enclosures are the most effective manner of reducing noise emitted into the environment by machinery, equipment and other noise sources. Required enclosure efficiency and frequency spectrum of noise emitted by a source determine the choice of enclosure type as closed/open and the choice of design solutions for the enclosure shell. When designing, the operating conditions of the equipment and its function in the process, the location of the enclosure (indoor/outdoor), as well as all legal and technical conditions and applicable regulations and standards must be considered. An important aspect is the choice of appropriate ventilation, lighting, additional equipment and ergonomics.

It is particularly important to meet non-standard requirements that a correctly designed acoustic enclosure should consider, such as, for example, installation in explosion hazard zones, tightness with extinguishing systems, fire resistance, operation in seismic zones, etc.

Our expertise is also in the manufacture of operator cabs to protect workers from excessive noise. Such cabs usually act as a workstation for the equipment operator.

ENERGOPIAST Sp. z o.o.’s portfolio includes acoustic enclosures for many types of machinery and equipment, as well as operator cabs. Among the most commonly supplied cases can be distinguished:

  • generators, turbines and turbine sets;
  • gas engines and turbines, compressors and compressor units;
  • fans;
  • engines, pumps and pump units;
  • transformers.

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Obudowy akustyczne – Energopiast