Acoustic industrial gates manufactured by ENERGOPIAST Sp. z o.o. BA EP-coustic® are used in buildings where it is necessary to provide passageways protected by solutions guaranteeing limitation of noise propagation. A special construction, profile packing, seals (spark-retardant rubber gaskets) and locking – a dual-function locking mechanism and the filling of the door leaves with EP-coustic® system panels fundamentally distinguish them from conventional industrial gates. The solutions used achieve high sound insulation of Rw≥35 dBA and an absorption coefficient of α = 1.
Gate designs allow for a choice of leaf configurations as symmetrical or asymmetrical, while maintaining the division between active and passive leaf. In the standard version, doors up to 5000×5000 [mm] are manufactured for environments with corrosive category C3; special versions for use in C4 and C5 environments are possible.
BA EP-Coustic information catalog®
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